My name is Loic Joly. French citizen, born in 1985 in Paris, I have been fascinated since my early childhood by nature and wildlife.
Living in Berlin and engineer during the weekdays, I spend most of my free time in the nature to observe and capture its beauty, to such an extent that I wonder whether I should not try to balance it with a bit more of social activities :P
Each session is the occasion of a new discovery, a new unexpected encounter, my path crossing randomly another existence, our experiences of life untertwined for a short moment of life before each of us move on towards its destiny.
Through this website, I try not only to show some of the pictures that I took during my explorations, but also to share some personal thoughts and gathered informations that provide a deeper perspective on the subjects that I cover.
For the photos and movies, I currently use a Canon EOS R6 and a Sigma 120-600mm Sport lense. 
In the future, I would like to improve the quality of my work _ photos, movies, texts _ while giving more explanations on why how our own life depends on other species conservation, and adding practical examples of how we can contribute all to their protection. 
Feel free to contact me at : I would be delighted to exchange on wildlife related topics, get advices and get in touch with some people sharing the same hobby.
Animally yours,
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